„The everything bubble“ – Die größte Blase aller Zeiten

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We are in the everything bubble – explained in 3 simple fast steps! (George Gammon) mit Untertitel

Premiere! For the first time George Gammon is on a german channel. George is a successful entrepreneur and real estate Investor and furthermore a brillant explainer of macroeconomic topics. His YT Channel is quite famous and absolutely a must watch. We picked his mind about the central banks, where to live and how he invests right now. Buckle up and share widely this interesting interview with George.


Über Marc Friedrich 578 Artikel
Marc Friedrich ist sechsfacher Bestsellerautor, Finanzexperte, gefragter Redner, Vordenker, Freigeist und Gründer der Honorarberatung Friedrich Vermögenssicherung GmbH für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen.