Losing money is always a risk for any business. It is important to understand that the probability of losing the entire investment portfolio that is invested in cryptocurrency is very high. Investors never invest all of their savings in one cryptocurrency. They always have some money left for new promising projects that have growth potential, and through which they can save their investments and get a good profit.
Despite the fact that now Bitcoin and Ethereum have gone down in value, it is still possible to allocate funds the right way and make a portfolio not so sensitive to market fluctuations. The new up-and-coming KYCC project is conducting KYC Coin presale. Everyone can buy the coin at a 25% discount. It will provide an opportunity to increase initial investments several times. Most importantly, such a portfolio will be less susceptible to changes in the market.
On top of that, if funds are needed urgently, money can be easily withdrawn. By investing in KYCС during the fall of cryptocurrency prices, it is possible to average the entry price and even out the fall in the long run. The KYC is a project whose primary objective is to make digital currency installments simpler, quicker, more clear, and more secure. The KYC ecosystem incorporates a KYC Coin, a mobile app, a mobile wallet, and a desktop wallet.
The developers’ assignment is to guarantee that every client can without much of a stretch and securely utilize different digital forms of money inside a wallet. Among the arrangements KYC Coin offers are simple connecting to the branded card, multi-chain support, moment digital money trade, without commission transfers, and numerous others.
A coin isn’t simply one more symbolic that can be utilized for the purpose of settlement or a investment vehicle. The KYC solution is a hybrid project that aims to change the operations we are used to.